From what Lamott has to say, is writing a first draft more about the product or
the process? Do you agree in regard to your own first drafts? Explain.

I’d say Lamott says a first draft is more about the process than the product. It’s just to get your ideas down and on the paper; out of your head. Whatever comes out comes out at the end of the day all that matters is you’ve put something down. I completely agree with her. There’s nothing worse than starting something; I feel like I have to start it off so good and with such gusto that way the whole thing can follow in that way and that doesn’t make sense. It’s like a hockey player strapping on skates, going out on the ice without warming up and expecting to play at their very best. We need the warm up time. I love hearing writers talk about how they struggle and how they hate their first drafts. Not because I’m a sadist or something, but because it makes me feel less alone. Knowing I’m not the only one that struggles with a first draft or even with hating my own work in the beginning is comforting.