(Peer Review)Be able to critique their own and others’ work by emphasizing global revision early in the writing process and local revision later in the process.

Framing Statement – Having my peers actually comment on the way I’m writing and my ideas is much helpful tool I didn’t know I needed. Hearing how other people feel about my work was extremely helpful to know how other people interpret my writing.

Before English 110 I didn’t look too kindly on peer review. To me it was always a waste of class time that I could’ve been using to finish my essay. I never thought of it as a useful tool because all we focused on was local revision and we never gave any actual advice to each other the most we’d do would be to fix each others grammar.

After English 110 I realized just how helpful peer review could be. This class was the first class in which peer review was an actually helpful tool to me. Instead of focusing on simple grammar and sentence structure we were told to focus on the bigger picture and the ideas behind the paragraphs. This was much more helpful as I actually got feedback that would help me structure and change my essay. On top of this this was the first time I was really able to give good feedback to my peers as I was able to focus on, not sentence structure but, the ideas behind their essays. Being able to give actually useable feedback to my peers was wonderful and a good learning experience as I finally felt like I was being helpful for them.

In doing this it’s also important to be able to offer good peer review to someone else’s work. It was great to practice peer reviewing on someone else’s paper as it helped me to revise my own paper later. It was good practice as with my own paper I acted as though it was someone else’s I was peer reviewing. Here are a few examples of comments I made on a peer’s essay 3!

Comments I made one someone else’s paper
Comments I made on other someone else’s paper
My ending comment on someone else’s paper.

Being able to review someone else’s work is extremely important especially if I end up going into a field where I am around people’s research papers and need to help edit them. This practice was extremely helpful to me considering this is the first time I’ve gone through a good peer review practice.

Word Count – 403