I can feel the wind on my skin. 

The way it whips my hair around to lash into my face.

The way it sends chills down my spine and it seems to swirl up and around me.

Oranges and reds paint the clouds below me.

They swirl and move like a great fluffy sea underneath me. 

I can feel his lungs expand beneath me. 

A yell leaves my throat and is taken by the wind before I can hear it.

The beat of his wings next to me though is something I’ll never forget. 

For a moment it’s like they’re my own wings.

Like we’re one.

My chest swells with something I’ve never felt before.

This is where I was meant to be.

Where I was born to be.

The music crescendos around me.

It crackles through the speakers.

I open my eyes and I’m back in my living room.

My mother is typing away on her computer at our dining room table.

Her keyboard fades into the melody filling the room.

I’m sitting on my worn green couch with a blanket wrapped around my legs.

I’m leaning so far forward I’m almost falling off.

I want to close my eyes and go back in to the movie.

I want to feel that crescendo in my chest again.

That’s where I was meant to be. 

This is the picture I picked! It’s kind of blurry so I’d definitely recommend the movie(How to Train Your Dragon). The soundtrack on it is also so good.