1. Describe at least two ways in which you think the “medium” (the audio, the video, the two combined) affects how you make sense of the content. Be sure to provide evidence form the videos to support the meaning carried by the medium.

I definitely thought there was a change in the videos when I rewatched with the animation. In the first video I remember being confused about the sound effects happening in the background as I had no visuals to go along with them. But on my second watch I understood the sound effects and even thought the animation was a little funny. Which helped me to understand what the video was saying about message and medium.

I personally am more of a visual person (though in the age of smartphones I’m sure most of us are) so it’s always been a little harder for me to understand just audio. I have to put a lot more focus into understanding when someone is speaking versus when I can read words such as subtitles. So in that way I feel like podcasting can be a much nicer medium as, at least for me, it forces someone to focus on the message more to understand it. But I can also understand the importance of video as pictures, especially photographs, may be able to help people realize how serious the message is. I think picking the correct medium for the message is extremely important as, even if people don’t realize it, they will gravitate towards a specific medium to understand things.

  1. Let’s consider podcasting with the two videos and the podcast “complete” history in mind. Write 250-400 words to explain what you take the “message” in the medium of audio storytelling, or podcasting.

I think podcasting can be a great way to communicate with people. I especially think in the case of the American Airlines podcast discussed in the reading it makes sense why people may try to create a podcast. It’s a cheap and easy way to connect with a large group of people and explain the rationale behind certain company decisions that the average person may not have been able to grasp. In a nutshell I think this is why podcasts are so important/have done so well over the years. It’s a simple, cheap, and easy way to get new ideas or lenses on issues out to the world and a lot of people like hearing ideas different from their own. 

I also feel as though it connects us in the same way music might. It’s very intimate to put on headphones and listen to someone talk to you for any amount of time. But especially in your own space. I think because a podcast isn’t limited to the screen of your phone or computer, the way a video is, it is a form of medium a lot of people can take a lot of places with them. I also agree with the reading that being able to edit a podcast, unlike a radio show, has a lot of influence on why so many people like podcasts. To me the editing gives the medium a more finished feel.

I think with all things the medium has to be picked. I don’t think just anything can be made into a podcast the same way I don’t think just anything can be made into a book or a movie. But if the podcast form is right for the message I think the more intimate nature of podcasts can make the message much more powerful.