I was a bit stumped on how to do this one as I had already done an indoor soundscape and that was my one idea. I ended up brainstorming with Chloe in class to try to figure out what a good space with characteristic sound might be. I was planning on going to Elements to look for a birthday present for one of my friends anyway and that’s probably why Elements popped into my head. I personally enjoy spaces like this especially to study as the constant background noise makes me feel more concentrated. Too much silence makes me uncomfortable so I’ve gone to Elements before to study as I find it much more relaxing. It was definitely interesting to go and just sit as I recorded, especially because I brought a friend who kept clinking her cup to give me “good audio” which was very sweet.  

I struggled with the narration portion a lot as I thought potentially reading a book may be a good idea. But after talking with Professor Cripps he made a good point about how I should make sure my narration shouldn’t take away from the sounds I recorded. So I thought about making a narration of what me and my friend were doing there. Or potentially making my reading sound as though it blends into the soundscape not overpowers it. Eventually I went with the narration as I liked how I got to highlight the friend I went to elements with rather than a book.

Here are my screenshots for the project!

My script
Garageband tracks