I didn’t really have a direction I wanted to go with when I set out to interview my younger sister Hannah. I thought she’d probably be the easiest to interview as she’d have the least busy schedule and would know how to work Zoom. I also missed her and wanted an excuse to sit down and talk with her for so long. But I thought I might try to talk to her about college hunting as she’s a junior in high school and needs to be thinking about it. Just in case though I had some family/past experiences questions ready to go to try to get filler. One of my questions was, “what was an experience that shaped the way you are today?” She rolled her eyes at it and told me it was stupid then gave a kind of lackluster answer. About fifteen minutes go by and her eyes get big and she says, “I should have talked about the swatting incident as my experience that shaped who I am.” So I told her to talk about it and explain it and she did.
I feel like this shows off who she is much better than some of the other questions I asked. She’s very well spoken and honest and her answers about the incident I think reflect that. There was so much that I’m very disappointed I didn’t get to use. We had a talk about how with her schedule when she gets a new classroom as the teacher lets them know where things are in the room they also let them know what the evacuation plan is specifically in the event of a shooter. Our highschool was also newly renovated and most of the building is made up of large glass windows. My class was the first class that got to use the new rooms and many of us were very upset by the windows as it leaves little to no place to hide in the event of a shooter. This is a concern that has continued with Hannah’s class and she actually joined a committee to get it fixed and they have. They made the school budget to get large curtains that can be closed in the event of an emergency. While in a perfect world the building would just not have the windows I think it’s very smart that Hannah and her classmates came up with a solution that didn’t include tearing half the building back down. I wish I could have used more of the conversation we had but I stuck to what I felt was the most important parts.
Below are my screenshots.

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