When I heard the prompt I was unsure of what direction I wanted to go in. I don’t make a lot of lists in my life other than to-do lists and those usually don’t tell a story. At least not a story I want to focus on for any longer than I have to. So I was mulling it over. I thought about doing some recipe related because a recipe is like a list but I don’t do much cooking here so I wasn’t sure if that was something I’d be able to accomplish. But later that day I decided I wanted to make hot chocolate as it’s one of my favorite treats of the wintertime. And I thought about all the sounds that happen when I make hot chocolate and I thought it would be a great idea. I’m a bit of a hot chocolate snob so I thought it’d be good to share my little recipe in podcast form. I really liked being able to play around with all the characteristic sounds and the specific ones. I thought it was super interesting to hear them all as this usually isn’t a thing I pay attention to in everyday life. So it was interesting to do and listen to all the sounds that happen in my everyday life that I may not otherwise notice. I also thought it was rewarding to record it all. I recorded all the sounds and I was particularly proud of being able to get the sound of the marshmallows landing in the hot chocolate.

Below are my pictures!
