I was really unsure of where to go with this prompt at first as I am not a commuter on campus. I thought about talking about my walk to class but that didn’t seem very interesting and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get a lot of signature sounds as I don’t really hear many on my way to and from class. I then thought about potentially doing my commute to and from work which I only do when I’m home but one again I didn’t really think there’d be a lot of interesting sound marks there as a lot of it would be me just driving. I thought maybe the sound of the pizza place I work in would be interesting to capture but unfortunately that is four hours away. I should have captured some sound over spring break. So I was really stumped on what I wanted to do. I honestly thought as a joke that I should do my commute from the dorm door to my bed as it always seems to take me forever to finally go to sleep after coming home. Aftering jokingly thinking about it I put a bit of serious thought into it and how many sound marks there might be and I realized I just had to do it. So I made a little script just describing what I do at night and just how many things are a part of my routine even though I always somehow manage to forget them. I thought it was a kind of funny way to engage with the prompt and a lot of the sounds I recorded came out a lot clearer and better than I would have thought. I kind of like this one!

Garage band screenshot
Script screen shot