March 18

I plan on interviewing my friend Arielle! She is an expert on a lot I feel like and she has a lot of things to teach people. I think expert is a pretty subjective term but I know she’s an expert in a lot and I want to be able to highlight some of these things! I plan on interviewing her on 3/20.

Here is a list of some of my questions:

Who are you?

What do you define an expert as?

What are some things you’d say you’re an expert in?
Why do you think you’re an expert in this?

What led to you learning how to do so much?
How did you become this jack of all trades?

How would you say this has helped you? Either as a practical skill or more of a mental thing?

What’s something you may want to know a bit more about?
Something you want to be an expert in?

March 25th

I have an intro and outro as well as a bit of narration/a disclaimer I guess? I just unfortunately have yet to record it. My interview is recorded and I’ve already started working on cutting it down a bit so that it’s easier to handle. Below is a screenshot of my scripts for my intro and outro.