I was really excited when I heard this prompt as I always love looking back on my old world and trying to see what themes I’ve managed to come up with. In the past writing classes I’ve taken I’ve always found that something lines up somewhere. Usually a few of my pieces have a theme even if I didn’t intend them to. That seems to just be the way it always works out. This time my theme was family (which seems to be the theme of the year for me). Once again I didn’t really intend for it to end up that way but that just seemed to be what ended up speaking to me the most. I really liked the way they all kind of meshed together. I wasn’t too sure how to tie it in with the narration so I ended up making it sort of list-like. I thought adding too much narration may take away from what each piece has on its own so I was trying to be sparse with it. I had a great time being able to go back through my work and seeing how I had managed to grow. I would definitely say I’ve become a lot more confident in working with garage band and editing. Though I kind of wish I did more voice effects like I did with the first audio that plays. I thought it was cool to edit not just music/sound effects in but make my voice the actual effect.

Garageband screenshot
Script screenshot