I think the plain language thing will be hard for me. I like to use big words and I know my sentences go on for longer than they probably should. This has definitely made writing a resume/cover letter in the past challenging so I am excited to see about tips this book has for making it easier to write in plain text. Or any tips about editing things down to become more like plain text. I definitely understand why plain language is more beneficial than super complex language. I just don’t have a lot of practice using it. I am certainly excited to change that and become better at using plain language to better my chances of getting a job. I wonder if the fact that plain language is better to use has anything to do with the fact that literacy and grammar rules are being focused on less in most schools now. The text mentioned how switching to plain language made it so customers called with questions about a product less often. I wonder if that has anything to do with them not knowing the rules of grammar as well as people may have used to so the language needed to be simplified more. Just something to think about.
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