UNE, Marine Biology 2025

Category: ENV104 Posts

Environmental Final Post

Picture I took during our boat ride.

I’d say campus life has definitely changed for me over the course of this semester. I was a transfer in this semester so when I was first on this campus it was quite a lot for me to take in. However now campus seems like a second home. My friends and I have all gone exploring around campus and I’ve found the places I like to be. I’ve learned a lot about campus and campus life since being here and I feel I’ve found my place. It’s not too different from my home town considering I’m only about four hours away so it’s nice to see some familiar plants and animals around campus. I definitely think when I get to see campus more alive during the fall semester I’ll be paying attention to all the new life I can see.


I wanted to pick this photo to showcase that changes are being made when it comes to recycling plastic and companies making changes for the better. Clothing with plastic spun into the thread is becoming much more common and widespread which is a great way to recycle plastic and keep it out of our environment.

Env 104 – Geology

I took a trip to Florida this Christmas to visit family and this is one of the pictures from that trip. I found this little shell with this face on it and to me this is a great representation of geology. This shell/rock had been tumbling around for probably millions of years and yet somehow managed to form into this. I think it’s a pretty good representation of how humans look at rocks. If they’re pretty and shiny we buy them for a lot of money and use them in our jewelry. But if they’re not we leave them be and don’t care for them; even if they can tell us wonderful things about the past.

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