UNE, Marine Biology 2025

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Poem #3

I can feel the wind on my skin. 

The way it whips my hair around to lash into my face.

The way it sends chills down my spine and it seems to swirl up and around me.

Oranges and reds paint the clouds below me.

They swirl and move like a great fluffy sea underneath me. 

I can feel his lungs expand beneath me. 

A yell leaves my throat and is taken by the wind before I can hear it.

The beat of his wings next to me though is something I’ll never forget. 

For a moment it’s like they’re my own wings.

Like we’re one.

My chest swells with something I’ve never felt before.

This is where I was meant to be.

Where I was born to be.

The music crescendos around me.

It crackles through the speakers.

I open my eyes and I’m back in my living room.

My mother is typing away on her computer at our dining room table.

Her keyboard fades into the melody filling the room.

I’m sitting on my worn green couch with a blanket wrapped around my legs.

I’m leaning so far forward I’m almost falling off.

I want to close my eyes and go back in to the movie.

I want to feel that crescendo in my chest again.

That’s where I was meant to be. 

This is the picture I picked! It’s kind of blurry so I’d definitely recommend the movie(How to Train Your Dragon). The soundtrack on it is also so good.

A Poem is Worth a Trillion Dollars

The rain is harsh.

It lashes against my skin like fire.

It turns my skin red enough to match my raincoat.

The raincoat isn’t doing much.

Dark shapes seem to swirl below me in the water.

Nothing ever seems to form.

Simply blurred shadows that bob in and out of view.

I’d join them if the rope in my hands wasn’t so steady.

If the wind pulling it to and from didn’t cut my hands the way it has.

I turn to look behind me.

Behind the unnatural red hull of our boat.

I see dark shapes swirling behind me.

The rain gives way long enough to see.

The mast of a ship.

The sails are drawn in tight.

The dark wood makes it appear and disappear in the gloom.

The mast looms infinite overhead. 

Before disappearing again.

The past always follows.

Poetry Exercise #1

I can’t catch my breath.

My knees are tucked into my chest.

A brown bear dressed as a hufflepuff is crushed between my chest and legs.

He’s overworked.

His head is wet.

My face is wet. 

I sit in silence.

The silence being broken only sometimes by my sobs.

I don’t want anyone to hear.

I want everyone to hear.

I want to call my friends and scream their names.

I want to erase this moment from my life.

I want them to reach out their hands and help.

I want them to rush to my rescue.

I won’t give them the option.

The only one to see me will be my little hufflepuff.

I know they’d help if I asked. 

I know they’d make me feel better,

If I asked.

So why won’t I ask?

Poem #2

The air is cold on my bare arms.

A jacket would have been a good call this morning.

When the wind dies down the night is nice.

My chest is warm from earlier.

The laughs of my friends still ring in my ears.

I just dropped one of them off at her dorm.

For a moment I am alone.

Exposed outside.

There are no walls to protect my loneliness.

I like it this way.

I turn my face up the the sky.
For a moment i start walking sideways.

I feel like I’m going to fall over.

How hard would the ground hurt?

But before I can find out I stop walking.

I look up to the stars.

I feel their light on my face.

Each breath feels electric.

Almost as if they’re too much for my lungs.

The stars seem to be multiplying.

And suddenly I’m no longer alone.

I tilt my head to gace forwards again.

The rest of the walk to my dorm is swift.

I’m content to do it all over tomorrow.

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